Materials Engineering Research

Materials Engineering

Developing Advanced Materials for a Sustainable Future

Materials Engineering focuses on the durability and performance of construction materials. This area seeks to develop advanced materials that can withstand environmental challenges and reduce maintenance costs.

Research Areas

Concrete Durability
Asphalt Performance
Pavement Design

Research Impact: Engineering Smarter Materials Reduces Carbon Footprint

Our faculty are dedicated to building a more sustainable future through innovating construction materials.

Smarter materials not only enhance the durability and longevity of infrastructure but also significantly reduce environmental impact by lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Concrete improvements can reduce the carbon footprint of construction projects, which currently account for 5% of global emissions.

Recent News

Dr. Romero's Research is Building Better Infrastructure in Utah

The Utah Asphalt Paving Association recently hosted the 2024 Utah Asphalt Conference. Recognized as the premier asphalt-related event in the state, the conference brought together the industry’s best minds, including Dr. Pedro Romero, who was honored with the prestigious Friend of the Industry Award.

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Dr. Romero receives his award from UAPA

One Engineering Student’s Research is Helping Utah’s Asphalt Industry

Now a Ph.D. student, Beatriz Fieldkircher sought an internship in the asphalt materials lab at the University of Utah in 2022. Initially driven by the desire to design enduring pavements, Beatriz’s research began to hone in on asphalt’s behavior under varying temperature conditions.

Her research  was recently awarded The Utah Asphalt Pavement Association’s $1,500 One-Time Annual Scholarship—a distinct and prestigious recognition in the state’s engineering and transportation industry.

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Fieldkircher in the Materials Lab in the Layton Engineering Building

Academia Applied to Industry

Our program collaborates with industry leaders, government agencies, and research institutions to address pressing structural engineering challenges. These partnerships ensure that our research has a tangible impact on improving the safety, resilience, and sustainability of infrastructure worldwide.

Our researchers regularly partner with UDOT, the Utah Asphalt Pavement Association, and many other local and national agencies and institutions.

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