Remedial Coursework
Below are the minimum required courses as defined by the department. All students must complete the below courses in order to be eligible for a Master’s degree from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. These courses commonly need to be completed if the student’s prior area of study is from an academic field, that is not civil engineering.
- Many of these courses can be taken at another institution (Salt Lake Community College included). To learn about the course equivalencies please review the Articulation Guide. If applying to take these courses at the U of U, please apply as a non-matriculated student (also called a non-degree seeking student).
- Students do not need to have all of the required courses completed at the time of application to the Graduate Program.
- Ph.D. students are not required to complete all of the above courses. Remedial courses can be determined by the Faculty Advisor, and/ or the supervisory committee. This stems from the understanding that an individual completing a Ph.D. will be completing very different work, than someone with an MS. However, if a Ph.D. student chooses to separate from the research group prior to the awarding of the Ph.D. all above courses must be completed for the MS to be awarded.
- Bold = Required course.
- Not Bold = Common prerequisite.
- MATH 1210: Calculus I
- MATH 1220: Calculus II or MATH 1310: Engineering Calculus I
- MATH 2210: Calculus III or MATH 1320: Engineering Calculus II
- MATH 2250: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra.
- CHEM 1210: General Chemistry I
- PHYS 2210: Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
Basic Engineering:
- CVEEN 2010: Statics
- CVEEN 2140: Strength of Materials
- CVEEN 3410/3415: Hydraulics & Lab
The following are required courses based upon the student's specific area of graduate study. Only the courses listed following the relevant area of study are required.
Environmental/ Water Resources:
- CVEEN 3610: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Transportation Engineering:
- CVEEN 3520: Transportation Engineering
Materials Engineering:
- CVEEN 3510: Civil Engineering Materials
Structural/ Geotechnical Engineering:
- CVEEN 3210: Structural Load and Analysis
- CVEEN 3310/3315: Geotechnical Engineering & Lab
- CVEEN 4222: Concrete I OR CVEEN 4221: Steel I
Recommended Order of Completion:
Semester 1 Semester 2
MATH 1210
CHEM 1210MATH 1220
PHYS 2210
Semester 3 Semester 4
MATH 2210
CVEEN 2010MATH 2250
CVEEN 2140
Optional Additions: CVEEN 3520; CVEEN 3610
Semester 5
CVEEN 3410/3415
Optional Additions: CVEEN 3210; CVEEN 3510; CVEEN 3310/3315