CvEEN Academic Misconduct Policy
February 24, 2023
This document describes the policies and procedures used by the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering relating to academic misconduct of any student enrolled in a CVEEN course or NUCL course.
Definitions of academic misconduct are presented in the Code of Students Rights and Responsibilities[1]. The following departmental policy follows the University Policy 6-400, Section V: Student Academic Conduct[2] and the Appeals Procedures in the College of Engineering Guidelines[3] to establish a consistent and clear message on our academic misconduct policy.
This Departmental policy applies to any course listed as CVEEN XXXX (subsequently referred to as a CVEEN course) or NUCL XXXX (subsequently referred to as a NUCL course). Two documents have primacy; this governance document and information contained in each CVEEN course syllabus. It is the student’s responsibility to understand the definitions and consequences of academic misconduct.
a. Definition of Academic Misconduct
As defined in the Student Code,
‘Academic misconduct’ includes, but is not limited to, cheating, misrepresenting one’s work, inappropriately collaborating, plagiarism, and fabrication or falsification of information, as defined further below. It also includes facilitating academic misconduct by intentionally helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic misconduct.
Please refer to University Policy 6-400, Section I: General Provision and Definitions for a detailed outline of each of these terms.
Each CVEEN or NUCL course instructor provides detailed information regarding academic misconduct for specific course activities in the course syllabus. If students have questions about this information, they should seek clarification from the instructor rather than seek an interpretation from a third-party. For example, if an instructor has a rule banning cell phone usage during an exam then texting or using a cell phone, even as a calculator, would be seen as academic misconduct.
b. Sanctions
Instructors have two options that can be exercised when an instance of academic misconduct has been committed:
- Fail-the-course Option
The default sanction for an academic misconduct offense is a failing grade for the course. Thus, unless explicitly stated in any CVEEN course syllabus, academic misconduct means receiving an E grade for the course. This sanction will be placed in the student's departmental file and the faculty member will notify the chair of the student’s home department and the senior vice president for academic affairs of the academic misconduct and the circumstances which the faculty member believes support the imposition of a failing grade. Note that a failing grade sanction still applies even for students who withdraw from a course after a sanction has been imposed.
- Less than Fail-the-course Option
As defined in a specific CVEEN course syllabus, or due to instructor discretion, an academic misconduct sanction may be relaxed from a failing course grade. In such cases, the individual will receive a zero for the particular assignment or activity (homework, exam, paper, laboratory session, etc.). The faculty member will report the misconduct to the student’s home department chair as well as dean of the student’s home college.
Two instances of academic misconduct by a student will result in a recommendation for dismissal from their respective minor and/or degree program or revocation of a degree or certificate. These matters will be referred to the Price College of Engineering’s Academic Appeals and Misconduct Committee for proceedings.
c. Reporting
The CVEEN Department tracks an individual's academic misconduct for all its courses. Information regarding prior offenses is available to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, the Director of Graduate Studies, the CVEEN Department Chair, and the CVEEN Academic Advisors. This information is protected per established FERPA guidelines.
d. Appeal of Sanction
A student has the right to appeal within fifteen (15) business days of receiving notice of the academic sanction. Please refer to University Policy 6-400: Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Part V.B.5. and the College of Engineering's Academic Appeals and Misconduct Policy for guidance in the appeals process.
It is the responsibility of all students taking CVEEN courses to:
- Read and understand the CVEEN Academic Misconduct Policy Statement.
- Read and understand the academic misconduct definitions associated with each specific course and course syllabus, recognizing that acceptable procedures may be different in each class.
- Not engage in any activity that could constitute academic misconduct as defined in this policy and notify the instructor immediately if they suspect academic misconduct is occurring
[2] Ibid.