
Dr. Daniel Fagnant Educates How Self-Driving Cars Can (and Should) Improve Transit

The recent 2014 Automated Vehicles Symposium brought the opportunities and perils of vehicle automation clearly into view. The week-long event—largely, though not completely, open to the media—featured keynote remarks by self-driving technology providers, car makers, federal and state officials, and academic researchers. Speakers highlighted the current and near-term trajectory of the technology’s fundamental components, detailed […]

Urban Water Group Explains Water Resources to Youth

From August 5th to August 7, 2014, The Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, with the help of the Graduate Students from the Urban Water Group, hosted “Hydraulics Fun Days” for the kids attending the Club U Summer Camps. This year the kids constructed water wheels and created a pipe line out of PVC pipes […]

2014 Summer Transportation Camp

This week the Department held the first annual summer transportation camp sponsored by the Federal Highway. The week-long program was designed to introduce high school students to the transportation industry as well as create a STEM focus experience. During the camp, UDOT and UTA collaborated with the department to provide off-site field trips to Warm […]

Students Awarded ITE Intermountain Section Scholarship

Ivana Tasic and Michael Scott Shea, Ph.D. students in Transportation, received this year’s Ellis L. Mathes scholarships awarded by the ITE Intermountain Section. Each year, the Intermountain Section awards two annual scholarships for undergraduate or graduate students in the Intermountain Section area (Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Utah) enrolled in curriculum in engineering with an emphasis […]